Risotto with Chicken, Mushrooms, & Spinach
The Best Recipe You'll Find

  • Like 8
  • 63 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Medium
  • 350°F
Risotto with Chicken, Mushrooms, & Spinach

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
2 Chicken Breast
200g Mushrooms
150g baby Spinach
1/3 cup Pine Nuts
2 cups Rice
1 litre Vegetable Stock
2 cups Water
1 cup dry White Wine
2 tablespoons Olive Oil
2 cloves Garlic
1 medium Onion
1/3 cup sundried Tomatoes
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano Cheese
Instead of Parmigiano you can add
1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese

Nutritional information for Risotto with Chicken, Mushrooms, & Spinach

Saturated Fat

The Risotto with Chicken, Mushroom, and Spinach is a delicacy all over the world. It is cheap to make but the taste is awesome! Risotto with poultry is the best option if you want to cook something fast and delicious. It is best to be prepared for lunch, or dinner!

Did you Know?

Risotto got a reputation for being intimidating and finicky and it was left for only advanced cooks and nice Italian restaurants to make.


  • Instead of Parmigiano you can add

Steps for Risotto with Chicken, Mushrooms, & Spinach

8 Minutes

Prepare the pine nuts

Preheat oven to 180°C and line baking tray with baking paper. Toast pine nuts for 5–10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5 Minutes

Prepare the stock mixture

Add stock, water, and wine to a large saucepan, bring to the boil and reduce the heat to low until the liquid bubbles gently.

10 Minutes

Fry the chicken breast

Heat oil in large frypan or saucepan and cook chicken until lightly browned. Add onion and garlic, and stir for 3 minutes.

35 Minutes

Start adding more

Add mushroom, cook and stir for 2–3 minutes. Add rice and stir through, then add 2/3 cup of the stock mixture into the rice and stir gently until most of the liquid is absorbed. Continue to add stock gradually and stir until absorbed each time. The total cooking time should be about 35 minutes.

1 Minute

Add the spinach, nuts and the rest

When all stock is added and absorbed, stir through the spinach, pine nuts, sundried tomatoes, and Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

Additional Info for Risotto with Chicken, Mushrooms, & Spinach


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I cook every day for my family and in my restaurant, but I also have this problem: I don’t know what to cook… This happens because I know so many recipes and I don’t know what to choose. Well, yesterday I remembered this great recipe for Risotto with chicken meat, spinach, and mushrooms, an incontestable delicacy!

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About the Risotto with Chicken meat, Mushrooms, and Spinach Recipe

I thought to show you one of the best risotto recipes, one I have also prepared in my restaurant and, of course, at home. Not any risotto is a delicacy, that’s because the ingredients and the preparation methods vary from one cook to another. There is no such thing as bad risotto, only bad recipes. 

To this end, I want to share with you my recipe for risotto, the recipe with which I won many competitions for this dish. Besides chicken meat, mushrooms, and spinach, I also use white wine (dry), vegetable stock, pine nuts (the best option), long-grain rice and other secondary ingredients. The taste is divine due to the mixed flavors and, of course, due to pine nuts. If you want to delight your family with a great dish, show them your cooking skills following this recipe.



What goes well with Risotto with Chicken meat and Pine Nuts?

Besides the fact you can eat it simply, you can add color to your table with prepared salad. To complete the risotto with chicken meat, serve it with seasonal vegetables or your favorite salad. I also recommend choosing at least 3-4 different sorts of vegetables and using different colored varieties. You can search my salad section for inspiration and choose from there what kind of salad is best for you.


Tips for selecting in-season vegetables

Depending on the season you decide to make the risotto with chicken meat, you can choose the best vegetables. As a secret of mine, I prepare this risotto at home only when I find the right ingredients for my Greek Salad recipe. Search the vegetables from local farmers to reduce your shopping budget and support them. But let’s see what the best in-season veggies (generally) are:


  • Spring: Asian vegetables, Asparagus, Beetroot, Broad beans, Coriander, Kale, Lemongrass, Peas, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Salad greens, Thyme, Tomatoes, Zucchini.
  • Summer: Basil, Carrots, Cucumbers, Mint, Mushrooms, Sweet corn, Tumeric, Radish.
  • Autumn: Baby Cos, Capsicums, Chard, Chestnuts, Eggplants, Galangal root, Garlic, Ginger, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Salad greens, Silverbeet, Squash, Sweet potato, Walnuts.
  • Winter: Artichoke, Beans, Broccoli, Broccolini Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Fennel, Heirloom tomatoes, Leeks, Lemons, Limes, Macadamias, Onions, Parsley, Bay leaf, Parsnips, Turnips, Zucchini.


Well, you might find everything in the supermarket but is healthier to buy seasonal veggies directly from farmers (mile 0).



Can I make this recipe for Risotto with poultry a Gluten-free meal?

Of course, you can. Many foods are naturally gluten-free and include fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, nuts and legumes, milk, rice, and corn. If you are in search of a gluten-free recipe for your diet, change the vegetable stock into one with gluten-free stock. The rest of the ingredients are ok, but double-check on the label or ask the local farmers (in case you’ll buy veggies from them). Therefore, this recipe for risotto can be easily added to a gluten-free diet.



Risotto’s Health Benefits

What can go wrong with so many healthy ingredients, most of them being veggies… For my recipe, no matter where it is prepared (restaurant or home kitchen) there are many nutritive benefits. Chicken breasts are also known for being healthy and great for weight loss. Fresh spinach and mushrooms, along with their vitamins and minerals (don’t forget about how many antioxidants have), add to the nutritional value. The rice also adds a bonus to your weight-loss diet, and the other herbs and nuts that bring the best nutrients to a dish are great for your body. Simply put, this chicken risotto is great, healthy, and can be added to weight-loss diets!



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